Welcome at Cura Sana Transformation & Healing

Do you feel lost?
Are you overwhelmed easily?
Do you feel fear rising up without knowing why exactly?
Are you insecure meeting new people or talking for an audience?
Do you have physical or mental issues?
Are limiting beliefs preventing you from achieving your desired goals?
Do allergies hinder your ability to fully enjoy life?
I'd love to help you discover where this stems from and how you can grow from being limited to LIMITLESS
Who can l help?
Does it take little to trigger you, leaving you feeling upset or overwhelmed?
Do feelings of insecurity surface when you engage in conversations with others or engaging in public speaking?
Is fear stopping you from taking action?
Do you find it challenging to express your deepest desires?
Would you love to drive that car or board that plane and finally make the trip you've been dreaming about?
Is there a little voice in your head, telling you a 100 reasons why you are not good enough or not worthy of happiness?
That you aren't smart enough to apply for that promotion or start that new business that you are dreaming about?
That making money has to be a struggle?
That you don't belong so why bother?
Are you exhausted by allergy symptoms that prevent you from fully enjoying life?

I am Nancy Lecocq and with Cura Sana I believe in the power of healing from the inside out by transforming limiting beliefs holding you back in every area of your life.
After l went through a period of imbalance and depression l realized that life's relentless rat race didn't bring me joy.
In my quest for purpose l found myself on the path of healing. The path to my heart!
As the peace returned in my head it also manifested into my life.
And the biggest gift of all, l found my purpose, guiding people on the path to their heart!
My goal is to guide you to a balanced and harmonious life, where you can reach your full potential and find true happiness.
Through my personal coaching approach, l help you unlock your inner strength and overcome any obstacles on your path.
How can l help you?
Personalized coaching
My personalized coaching sessions are tailored to your specific needs and provide guidance and support throughout your transformation journey.
The coaching sessions are always one-on-one.
Energetic healing sessions
Experience the powerful benifits of Shamanic energy healing to restore, balance and harmony to your mind, body and spirit.

Let's begin your healing journey
How do we start this journey?
- Send me an email and tell me more about who you are and what you are struggling with!
- Please share the outcome you're aiming for, what do you want or how do you want to feel?